According to Muppet Wiki, "the Honkers are fuzzy creatures from Sesame Street who communicate
by honking their bulbous noses. They made their debut on Sesame Street in 1980, during Season 12 (1980-81). Honkers come in
a variety of colors, and baby Honkers are hatched from eggs. As the Honkers never speak, their performers vary, depending
on puppeteer availability. Two of the named Honkers are Mr. Honker, a green Honker with blue hair, and Henrietta Honker,
a small pink Honker. The Dingers are a species of Sesame Street characters. They are very similar to the Honkers,
except that instead of communicating by honking their noses, they ring the bells on their heads to speak. A few songs have
focused on the Dingers and their unique talent, including 'The Ding-Along Song' and ' The Honker-Duckie-Dinger Jamboree.'"
