According to Muppet Wiki, "Sherlock Hemlock is a Muppet spoof of Sherlock Holmes, as seen on
Sesame Street. He is the self-appointed 'World's Greatest Detective', dressed in the iconographic Holmes deerstalker
cap and Inverness cape, and usually brandishing a large magnifying glass. He prides himself on his powers of observation and
does succeed in deciphering small clues, but he rarely arrives at a correct, final solution without assistance. When he does
find a clue, he often shouts, 'Egad!' He first appeared in Sesame Street Episode 0131, the Season 2 (1970-71) premiere, looking
for the missing half of Ernie's chicken salad sandwich. As it turns out, Sherlock himself ate half of the sandwich. Sherlock
also appeared in the recurring 'Caveman Days' sketches as 'The Royal Smart Person' and starred in all of the 'Mysterious Theater'
segments with a faithful dog named Watson. Sherlock's final major appearance occurred in Episode 3424, where the letter X
wanted to quit the alphabet. Then, in Sesame Street Season 40 (2009-10), Sherlock recently appeared on the show in a brief
speaking cameo at Hooper's Store in Episode 4206." He is made from a pale Green Anything Muppet pattern. More pictures of
Sherlock from the 'Others' section of Sesame Street will be added to the section soon.
Jerry Nelson
