According to Muppet Wiki, "Telly Monster is a slightly,
neurotic young fushica monster who lives at 1304 Sesame Street. He first appeared in Sesame Street Episode 1257 during Season
10 (1978-79). Originally named Television Monster, he was obsessed with watching television and had TV attenas sprouting from
his head. His eyes whirled around when he watched TV. After Season 10, the whirly eyes were replaced by ordinary eyes and
he became the worrying and frustrated monster he remains today. First performed by Brian Muehl, he had a low, gruff-sounding
voice. When Martin P. Robinson took over in 1984, his voice evolved into the excited-sounding voice he has today. His
best friends are Baby Bear and Oscar, who he loves to bother. He has a great love of triangles, a pet hamster named Chuckie
Sue and a toy doll named Freddy. The musical instruments he plays are bassoon, tuba and, of course, the triangle. For fun,
he often jumps on a pogo stick. Occasionally, he appears as a Monster on the Spot reporter."
Main Performers:
Brian Muehl (1979-1984)
Martin P. Robinson (1984-present)
Alternate Performer:
Bob Payne (1979)
